VIPS Hosur was founded with a goal to provide age-appropriate knowledge in a nurturing environment and a belief that all children should be moulded into capable & independent learners.
To be the guiding force behind the holistic development of the future generation.
Our mission is to help children develop into Confident.
Every child to realise his/her potential through Individualised Learning and Time Based Plans.
Our trainer are child’s life therefore they play a very vital role in shaping and moulding the habits.
VIPS Hosur is built around the strong belief that the childhood of a little one is precious. It is meant to be enjoyed and cherished. Research and in-depth studies have proven that the first five years of childhood are the most formative.
Incredible learning and vital mental and cognitive growth occurs during this period. In these years, the child has an outstanding ability to imbibe and flourish at a fascinating pace. Our programs are tailored to foster every child’s social, aesthetic and motor skills. We develop age-appropriate activity based learning for the child’s all round development.